In 2007 when I was entering “the adult life” ( you know – work, family, new home, a baby on the way…), I started feeling a drastic decline in my physical fitness, and emotional state…
By the time my son was born, I was mentally and physically exhausted. Busy work schedule combined with taking care of my son would leave me 4-5 hours of sleep a day. I was constantly tired, sleep deprived and completely out of shape. I was a walking ticking bomb ready to explode at any time…
Instead… I sank into a long, deep, dark depression…
After a visit to a psychiatrist, and a number of tests…it wasn’t clear what exactly I had : ADHD, bipolar, anxiety, anti-social disorder…or a bit of everything.
After going through the whole nine yards of traditional treatment : prescription drugs, therapy, support groups, and etc, I realized that it wasn’t really working for me. So I started spending a lot of time reading, learning, researching, and looking for answers what I could practically do to improve the quality of my life, and how I could help others improve their physical and mental health.
In 2015, I created ExtraHyerActive Fitness System that combined physical fitness, mind & body practices ( yoga/meditation ), and outdoor activities.
It was also the time when medical ( and later recreational ) marijuana/cannabis was legalized in Washington state.
And while smoking weed had drastically helped me reduce anxiety, and panic attacks, as well as improve my focus and concentration, it had its disadvantages…
B/c marijuana, still being a controlled substance, and against the law in many U.S. states, it was hard to travel with ( something that my business required often )… plus, I didn’t really like the side effects of feeling tired, and sleepy…
And that was when I discovered hemp based CBD !
For all those out there who suffer from anxiety every day, know this: there is hope !
I use CBD everyday to help deal with the stress of daily life and as an athletic recovery aid, and from my perspective, it seems to help me relax and more easily avoid spinning up into full blown anxiety. It isn’t the only thing I do to combat anxiety, but I honestly think it has helped me tremendously.
So, what is CBD ? How does it work ? And most important – how can it help YOU reduce your anxiety ?