ExtraHyperActive Network is based on our active lifestyle brand that helps people live a happy, healthy, and adventurous life without the financial burden ! đź’°đź’°đź’°

ExtraHyperActive Network combines the very best of affiliate, influencer and network marketing.

We’re the first and the ONLY network where everybody starts from the top !!

What Is ExtraHyperActive ?

Our Motto

🔥Refuse To Be Just Average🔥

Our Mission :

Help people live a happy, healthy, and adventurous life !

Our Business Goals :

ExtraHyperActive network provides training, tools, and marketing resources to help our ambassadors build their personal brand, and profitable online business ( or, at least, make some extra money on the side ) based on their love and passion for fitness & travel.

Our Guarantee :

Help you go from $0 to your first 💲 with our network !

Timeline :

1 month

Our Promise :

We DON’T guarantee how much 💰💰💰 you’ll make with us…


We GUARANTEE you’ll make it !!

How much ?

The amount of 💵 💵 💵 you’ll be making, will be directly proportional to the amount of time, effort, and money you’ll be willing to invest !

Who Is It For ?

We only accept people who are passionate about fitness and travel !

If you’ve ever wanted to start your own business ( at least on the side ), you’ve probably heard that the key to success is to LOVE what you do.

As the famous Chinese philosopher Confucius once said :

“Choose A Job You Love, And You Will Never Have To Work A Day In Your Life.”

That’s why we believe that if you have a true passion in life, if you love helping others, if you’re willing to learn, – it’s a sure way to build a business you’ll love, and will be proud of !!

We’re looking for extraordinary individuals with strong passion for fitness and adventure travel, who are active on social media ( blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube…), love sharing their workouts and outdoor adventures with others, and want to make extra money doing something they love.

( Extra ) Hyperactivity, which is associated with attention deficit disorder (ADD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood.

The ADD/ADHD gene ( also known as the Edison gene ) affects the brain’s relationship with dopamine. This difference causes one to crave stimulation just to feel alive. When you crave stimulation you are more likely to seek thrills, take risks, discover new ways to do things, be bolder, and have more charisma !

Even if you don’t have ADHD, but …


  • become bored with a task after only a few minutes ( unless you are doing something enjoyable ) ​

  • frequently switch from one activity to another ​

  • daydream ​

  • are constantly in motion ​

  • crave adventure, new experiences and new ideas ​

  • have your own Bucket List

If you think YOU ARE ExtraHyperActive just like us, then this brand is for YOU !

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Who Is Behind ExtraHyperActive ?

Paul “ExtraHyperActive” Frolov has worked as a personal trainer, and in fitness sales for more than 15 years. He’s also worked in outdoor recreations as a sales specialist, ski and snowboard instructor, a rafting, and a tour guide. Currently, he runs his own online/”off-line” fitness and adventure travel businesses in Seattle, WA.

Since 2009, he’s been involved in social media, and affiliate niche marketing with the focus on adventure travel, fitness, and the outdoors. He was a contributing adventure travel blogger for Seattle Post Intelligencer, and has done social media/content/lead generation, and affiliate marketing for major fitness, travel, and outdoor brands, businesses, and outfitters ( a few of them listed below ).

Why Join ?

  • You’re not promoting our network – you’re building YOUR own

  • You’re not promoting our brand – you’re building YOUR own personal brand

  • You’re not learning “how to start a business” – you’re turning YOUR passion into a business

  • You’re not limited to promoting only our network/brand/products – you’re free to choose what works better for YOU

  • You’re not in business by yourself – you’re surrounded by like-minded people who share YOUR passion for healthy, and adventurous lifestyle

What You’ll Get ?

One Time $975 Joining Fee Will Include :

✔️Ambassador Hoodie ( $45 Value )

Our Ambassador hoodie is very distinctive, eye-catching, and a real conversation starter !  You’ll never have to sell anything to anybody ! People will be begging YOU to know YOUR story !

It will be super easy for you to build YOUR own tribe/network of like-minded people !

✔️”Start Your Own Fitness & Travel Business” Book ( $9.99 Value )

Learn the fundamentals of business, marketing, and branding specifically to travel, and fitness marketing niches.

It will save you tons of time, effort, AND MONEY to learn EVERYTHING you need to get started !

In the book you’ll learn about :

  • What EXACTLY “fitness and travel niche” is 
  • The ONLY WAY to make money ( in ANY business ! )
  • How to get started for free, and start making money ASAP
  • The importance of finding, and clearly defining your own “niche” 
  • Why “branding” is THE ONLY WAY to make money ( on or offline )
  • And more…

✔️How To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Program ($97 Value )

Amazon affiliate marketing is the EASIEST, FASTEST, AND SURE way to make money online for beginner social media influencers !

Joining Amazon affiliate marketing program is absolutely FREE, and all you need is a website or a blog !

And we’ll teach you how to start your first website/blog for absolutely FREE !

✔️How To Make Money With Amazon Influencer Page ( $97 Value )

To join Amazon influencer program all you’ll need is one qualifying social media channel ( Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter ) !

Becoming an Amazon influencer is your first step to building your personal brand, and authority !

If you can make $$ with Amazon influencer program, ANY brand/business would be happy to work with b/c they know you could make them more $$ !

✔️How To Build Your First Website/Sales Funnel ( Value $295 )

Sales funnel is a secret weapon of modern day entrepreneur/business owner/online marketer ! 

A sales funnel is the the fastest, and easiest way to generate leads, and make sales !

Because sales funnels are easier to build ( compared to websites ), they’re great if you have to promote several brands/businesses/products.

✔️Instagram For Business ( $35.99 Value )

⛔️ STOP trying to make money using your personal Instagram page !

If you want other brands/business to treat you as a social media influencer/authority, you’ll need to start treating your IG page as a marketing channel !

We teach you how to optimize your profile, create great engaging content, connect with others, and turn your IG followers into paying customers !

✔️YouTube Marketing For Complete Beginners ( $125 Value )

YouTube is #2 search engine online !

If you want to get traffic to your website/blog/sales funnel/other social media channels, you’ll need to know how to optimize your channel, and to create video content that people will easily find…

We’ll make it super easy to get started ! From the cheapest video gear, to tips on how perform on camera !

✔️Getting Started With Facebook,Instagram, and YouTube Ads On The Budget ( $9.99 Value )

If you hope to build a successful business by just posting on social media, and writing a blog, I have bad news for you…

It’s NEVER going to happen !

Yes, you’ll be able to make a few sales with organic traffic, but if you’re looking to create a reliable income, you’ll need to learn how to advertise your business ! 

And we can teach you how to get started with just $5 a day !

✔️Small Group & One-On-One Training ( $100 an Hour )

When you’re just getting started in business/marketing, you have tons of questions !

And you can chose to waste your time “Googling” information, and ask random people in different FB group for advice…


You can reach out directly to me, and I’ll do my best to help you out !

And if i don’t, I’ll find somebody who will !

✔️VIP Facebook Group ONLY For Our Brand Ambassadors ( $57 a Month )

Solo-preneurship is a team sport !

It’s important to build your own network of like-minded people who’ll help you, support you, and share with you their knowledge, experience and expertise for no charge at all !

Unlike other FB groups for entrepreneurs/marketers, we have ZERO tolerance for spam, and shameless self-promotion… 

We are the ONLY network marketing company/affiliate program/influencer agency where YOU can start making $$$ in your first month !

As our full-fledged Ambassador, you’ll get :

  • 10% – 50% affiliate commission on all our physical and digital products

  • 40% recurring membership commission

  • 4% – 10% affiliate commission from our recommended networks and brands

  • $5 – $500 per Instagram picture promoting our brand

  • Done for you sales funnel/influencer page
  • Done for you email marketing

  • Small group and one-on-one personalized training

  • Opportunity to become a brand Ambassador for other famous fitness, travel, and outdoor brands

The main reasons most people DON’T make money in their business, or any type of marketing :

  • Don’t have a true passion ​

  • Don’t take time to learn about business, marketing, and branding ​

  • Don’t have clear, easy-to-follow actionable steps ​

  • Don’t implement that information into actions

With our personalized training and support, clear, and easy-to-follow actionable instructions, and the best in the industry software, you won’t have any other option but to succeed !!

In business and marketing you NEVER lose… You either WIN or you LEARN…
The More You Learn – The More You Earn !!